
Posted Friday, 2nd December 2011

Set up new nanoc-generated website

I started using nanoc in order to generate a bit more interesting site. Previously, I just had a single, hand-generated page, which was fine as a list of links really, but it wasn’t useful as a showcase of my projects and I quite liked the idea of having my own blog. Whether I’ll blog more than once a year or not, is another question.

Posted Wednesday, 25th August 2010

Alpha Channel devlog via archaeology

Since this was my first Ludum Dare, making the game Alpha Channel, I didn’t make an effort to post my progress as it happened. However, through the magic of git, I’ve pulled some old versions up and seen how things developed. Interesting to see how the game progressed and if you have git you could also look at the progress made throughout the development via the repository at (if you were very bored, of course).