Releasy v0.2.0

Posted on Saturday, 28th January 2012

  • Ruby gem release: gem install releasy


  • Name changed from “relapse” to “releasy” because of universal dislike and/or confusion about it :)
  • Warning: API changed significantly from v0.1.0 because it was dreadful :D
  • Allowed outputs to be configured separately from the project.
  • Included gems in osx-app more safely, so that no files will be missing.
  • Added :exe archive format (Windows self-extractor, used on any OS).
  • Added :dmg archive format (OS X self-extractor, used on OS X only).
  • Added :windows_wrapped output (windows folder made from a RubyInstaller archive, used on OSX/Linux).
  • Allowed project and outputs to have archive formats (when called on Project, affecting all outputs).
  • Archive formats can have a different #extension set.
  • Output formats can have a different #folder_suffix set.
  • No longer require Innosetup to be installed in order to create :windows_folder output.
  • Added command, ‘releasy install-sfx’ that installs the self-extractor package for 7z, to enable :exe archiving (non-Windows only).
  • Lots of other things fixes, refactors and additions, that I lost track of :$
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